Warmer und stylischer handgemachter Pullover.
Warmer und stylischer handgemachter Pullover.
Auf Bestellung gefertigt.
Alle unsere Produkte sind handgefertigt und nach Maß gefertigt, entsprechend den Anforderungen und der Einzigartigkeit jedes Kunden, mit Liebe und Liebe zum Detail gemacht, "
"Warmer und stylischer Pullover, handgefertigt aus natürlichen Materialien.
Gönnen Sie sich mit diesem einzigartigen Pullover winterliche Wärme und Eleganz. Er ist aus reiner Wolle gefertigt und kann mit einer Vielzahl von Farbkombinationen und Texturen, wie Kaschmir oder Angora, nach Ihren eigenen Wünschen gestaltet werden. Das auffällige Design mit geometrischen Mustern verleiht einen Hauch von Authentizität und macht jeden Pullover zu einem echten Kunstwerk. Ideal für kalte Tage, aber auch, um jeden Look stilvoll zu vervollständigen.
* Material: Reine Wolle (wahlweise Kaschmir oder Angora)
* Design: Geometrische Muster
* Farbe: Beige (anpassbar)
* Größen: Auf Bestellung
* Handgefertigt: Jeder Pullover ist ein Unikat
Hinweis: Für Sonderanfertigungen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte.
Waschanleitung: „Um Ihr handgefertigtes Kleidungsstück in Topzustand zu halten, empfehlen wir Handwäsche mit kaltem Wasser und Feinwaschmittel. Vermeiden Sie das Auswringen und lassen Sie es natürlich trocknen.“
Notiz :
Notiz :
Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder eine Sonderanfertigungen, bitte zögern Sie nicht, mich zu kontaktieren. Alle unsere Produkte werden in einer sauberen und hygienischen Nichtraucherumgebung hergestellt.
Material und Pflege
Material und Pflege
Wählen Sie Ihren Farbcode und die gewünschte Garnzusammensetzung und hinterlassen Sie beim Bezahlvorgang eine Notiz.
Farbtöne können je nach Monitoreinstellungen leicht abweichen.
Waschanleitung: „Um Ihr handgefertigtes Kleidungsstück in Topzustand zu halten, empfehlen wir Handwäsche mit kaltem Wasser und Feinwaschmittel. Vermeiden Sie das Auswringen und lassen Sie es natürlich trocknen.“
Obligatorisch: „Bei jeder Bestellung ist die Angabe Ihrer Körpergröße zwingend erforderlich. Außerdem verlangt das Transportamt, dass in den Adressdaten eine Telefonnummer oder E-Mail-Adresse angegeben wird.“
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.
After your order ,follows a specific process:
Consisting of the purchase of the materials required by order and devoting the time required to implement it .
For this reason, before make your purchase ,read the product description and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Due to the nature of the product ... I do not accept any exchanges or refund... unless the product you received differs 12% from your order image.
For all sent orders, for the non-receipt of which the owner is responsible, he is obliged to pay the shipping costs again +5%VAT after contacting me.
For storage time in our space, there are no aggravating costs.
All orders are shipped insured and the track number is received from the system.